Solar Plexus: Strengthen your Inner Fire with the Power Chakra
The Third, or Solar Plexus Chakra is called Manipura in Sanskrit which means “shining gem.” This beautiful description refers to the area of the navel and the solar plexus where the “gem” is the center of your personal power. This is the center of your self-esteem, your willpower, self-discipline, integrity and honor. The simple message of this chakra is: You have the Power to Choose.
An imbalanced third chakra presents as a general misuse of personal power. Personal power, when in balance, refers to self-mastery and the ability to maneuver our thoughts and emotions to take appropriate action. An imbalance in this chakra leads to a distorted expression of power. On the one end of the spectrum it can manifest as a lack of direction or purpose and on the other end of the spectrum it can manifest as excessive control or authority over your environment. Less extreme manifestations of blocked energy in this chakra fall somewhere in the middle and can manifest as helplessness or passivity in life, i.e. having ideas but little follow through or poor integrity and self esteem.
Represented by a golden yellow color, and represented by the element of fire, a balanced Manipura Chakra means having the fire within be ignited but in balance; the flames should not be too hot. In order to get the gem within to shine (and to appropriately assert its power) means harnessing the power of the Manipura by being proactive rather than reactive or inert. This chakra provides the momentum to move forward and realize your goals and intentions. When you feel confident and have a strong sense of purpose, your third chakra is open and healthy. If your third chakra is out of balance, you can suffer from poor self-esteem, have difficulty making decisions, and may have anger or control issues.
Below are some affirmations to help bring the Sacral Chakra into balance. These can be repeated as needed:
- I am positively empowered and successful in all my ventures.
- I Act with Courage and Confidence
- I Take Full Responsibility of My Life
- I choose to live in the joyous now
- I Fully Step Into My Power
Need a refresher on what a chakra even is? Read our blog post on the Root Chakra here for an introduction.