Opening Your Heart Chakra
The heart chakra is the doorway to our inner temple, the passageway to our divine, loving nature. The Sanskrit name for this chakra is Anahata, which is commonly defined as “unstruck, unhurt and boundless.” Unstruck here refers to the Vedic concept of unstruck sound (the sound of the celestial realm) or sound produced without touching two parts. This is a beautifully apt description of our heart energy as this powerful chakra is all about the purity of unconditional love, love without give or take, just a pure expression of expansive love energy and openness.
Located at the center of the chest and signified by the color green, the element associated with this chakra is Air, as the heart chakra is all about the spaciousness of feeling the infinite within us. Our capacity for love is so vast that even when we are despairing and unaware of it, our hearts are ever ready to hold more love and compassion.
The fourth chakra is the point of integration between the lower and upper chakras and is in this way the bridge between earthly matters and spiritual aspirations. Healing stones associated with the heart chakra as rose quartz, pink quartz, jade and green calcite and rose oil is also frequently recommended to open and connect with the heart chakra. A balanced heart chakra is integral to achieving a peaceful awareness and living with compassionate discernment.
When the heart chakra is open, we feel a deep sense of connection (not to be confused with attachment) and harmony with the world around us. We are able to hold love and compassion for both ourselves and others and are able to give and receive love with ease. A blocked heart chakra can manifest as difficulty in relating with others, codependency or being withdrawn and feeling a deep sense of loneliness and disconnection/separation.
Beneath our personal struggles and pain lies deep compassion and love. Fear not of this energy, because it has the power to bring light into your life, even in times of anger or sadness.
Affirmations for the Heart Chakra:
Love is Divine Power
Love is the answer to everything in life, and I give and receive love effortlessly and unconditionally
My heart is awakening
Love is my guiding truth