Need Dating Advice? Ask Your Chakras
Roma Hora
Seeker with an abiding love of sci-fi, mysticism & Indian food.

As Valentine's Day approaches, the first and most obvious chakra that comes to mind when we think of love is of course the heart chakra. But the heart isn’t the only chakra that you need to pay attention to when it comes to the matter of love and relationships. The expansive energy of love can be applied to every chakra and we can’t think of a better day to reflect on that than on the day designated to love.
Root - strengthen your foundation
The root chakra is related to our primal instincts and is even sometimes referred to as the “survival chakra.” Clearly, if we approach love from a survival mentality, we tend to stay in relationships that can become quite toxic.

There can be a constant fear of losing your partner, and in general the relationship can be more about unhealthy dependency on each other and a compulsive need to be together and less about a loving, easy togetherness. In order to have harmonious energy for this chakra, grounding is necessary. Supporting your relationship from the root chakra means making decisions from a place of calm and grounded awareness to strengthen the foundation of your bond.
sacral - show some tenderness
Influenced by Venus, this chakra is all about our creativity and connection. Its magnetized by the force of emotions and its energy is halfway between the survival instincts of the root chakra and the expression of will of the third chakra (below). An imbalanced sacral chakra can form controlling, abusive relationships where manipulative energy is manifested and can cause a loss of creative power.
To bring this chakra into harmony, balance is necessary. Rather than allow the passionate energy of this chakra to lead your decision- making in relationships, pleasure and power should be tempered with full awareness and balance. A relationship that comes from a place of harmony from your sacral chakra can be powerfully creative and deeply fulfilling, loving and tender.

solar - build your bond

When we get a “gut” feeling- this is the chakra responsible. The solar plexus chakra enables us to take the creative and emotional patterns from the sacral chakra and utilize it for insight to chart a better course in our relationships.
An imbalance at this chakra can manifest as excessive control and authority over people, being possessive or having a lack of clear direction in relationship. A more balanced solar plexus chakra manifests as assertive (rather than aggressive) energy and exerting your will effortlessly in a relationship that leads to harmonious relationships with people and surroundings that can lead to a stronger bond.
heart - center of loving energy
Considered the bridge chakra between the lower energies of the first 3 chakras and the higher energies of the top three chakras, the heart chakra is the easiest to understand within the context of love relationships. A relationship that forms from this chakra will tend to be between individuals who want to work on their relationship, their character, as well as their own self-development- a good start to any union! When you remember that you are on the same team as your partner and have the same goal of happiness, connection and health and you are able to be open and flexible. This chakra allows you to nurture the quality of your love and experience joy and inner peace.
throat - be who you are
The center for authentic self-expression and speaking our truth, sometimes the throat chakra can be blocked in a relationship when we try to be someone else to impress our partner. We can get caught up in appearances and lose sight of who we are in our partnership.

This chakra when balanced, can lead to a blissful relationship where you feel free and comfortable to be who you are and express it without inhibition. A partnership where this chakra is honored means both parties are comfortable in their own skin around each other and support the expression of each other’s truth.
third eye - see deeper meaning

Relationships under the influence of the sixth chakra are ruled by the planet Saturn. If you’re feeling frustrated, devalued or disconnected, the third eye chakra is a powerful chakra energy to help regain focus, see the bigger picture and tap into your natural wisdom and intuition in relationship.
A couple that comes together under sixth chakra influence formed the union to practice self-realization together. They have a deep psychic harmony and are committed to studying the highest truth of the universe. These unions are karmic in nature and are meant to help each other on the spiritual path.
crown - manifest the love you want
Located on the top of the head, this chakra is all about connecting to your inner guru. A relationship under a balanced crown chakra can overcome challenges through their shared connection through ritual, goals and symbols. This couple has created a deep sense of the spiritual connection within and both have rich inner lives that they tap into in times of turbulence. But achieving this highest level of relationship is only possible once you are able to love yourself.
Having a balanced crown chakra energy within the self means a connection to divine energy which is impossible without recognizing the divine within. Once you are able to tap into that source of unconditional love within, it manifests as unconditional love without.
