Crown Chakra: Bridge to the Cosmos

When the lotus flower blooms, it emerges through murky, muddy waters as a beautifully unique creature of its environment. Similarly to the lotus, you too emerge from the confines of your environment-- including your ego, mind, and intellect. As we are immersed in the energy of the crown chakra, we feel a state of blissful union with all that is, and you begin to push beyond the individual soul. As you do so, a white light surrounds you in transcendence of our limitations, and the realization of pure consciousness, and an all expansive understanding of the quality of awareness of the universal.
A blocked crown chakra can present as feeling disconnected spiritually, apathy, cynicism, a lack of direction and/or loneliness. Opening and balancing this chakra is essential for a spiritual or deeper connection to people as well as to the oneness of life, to infinite source. To reconnect with your divine wisdom and awareness, focus your attention on the crown of your head and remember that everything and everyone is a part of the divine design and meant for your growth and learning.

Practicing meditation, prayer, and daily silence are disciplines that lead to increased moments of spiritual connection. The mantra sound associated with this chakra is the universal sound of AUM. Gems to help open and align the seventh chakra are amethyst, selenite, and sugilite. When practiced regularly, you will begin to see expansion of spiritual awareness in your world, and you may see it as the bridge to the cosmic self or divine self; to infinite consciousness.
Healing mantras for this chakra are as follows:
- I am complete and one with the divine energy
- I Honor The Divine Within Me
- I Seek To Understand And Learn From My Life Experiences
- I Listen and Understand the Wisdom of the Universe
- I Understand There is a Natural and Divine Order